Twisted Vegas - Celine / Costic

New show "Twisted Vegas" with homage to Celine Dion

Twisted Vegas - Celine / Costic
Costic performs as Celine Dion in “Twisted Vegas”. Photo Credit: Bill Hughes/Las Vegas Review-Journal

Twisted Vegas is a new all-in-one-show at Westgate. The show pokes gentle fun at other Las Vegas shows, has acrobatic performances, and even includes a Celine Dion drag act. According to Las Vegas Revous Journal, Twisted Vegas, is "At its best when it attempts freewheeling comedy: a mini-Criss Angel (the single-named Dimos) or Costic (also single-named) with his impressive, non lip-synced drag version of Celine Dion."

So now you know, if Celine Dion isn't performing when you're in town, you can still get your Celine fix over at Westgate. See the full article and review of the show at Las Vegas Review Journal.

UPDATED 8th May 2016:

Show currently closed and may be back in the fall 2016.